Handyman jobs refer to any job which requires doing small jobs such as fixing and repairing electrical or non-electrical items in or around the house. These type of jobs provide employment to millions in the outside world, sadly in Colorado there is a severe lack of such handyman.
The primary reason for this being that a person’s occupation is deeply intertwined with persons social standings. The deep rooted caste system has set a stigma in the minds of the masses which view these jobs as menial. So much so that youths in today’s times choose the jobs of government clerks or peons over jobs such as electrician, plumbers etc., whereas the reality is that handyman services in Centennial, CO pay off far better than those of peons and clerks.
Vocational training:
The ruling government has pushed the need of vocational training in colleges and schools to spread awareness and promote such jobs in today’s youths. A great step towards this was taken by the government after the implementation of the New Education Policy where there is heavy emphasis on training in vocational courses like carpentry, plumbing, and beauticians. The major hurdle that the authorities face is making the jobs the more aspirational like other job avenues.
This could also help the country win its age old battle with unemployment. There are currently more than 7% more jobs being generated in Colorado than there are workers to fill the 12 million new positions that are being added each year. Lack of trained labour and unwillingness to take some tasks that are seen as lowly by society are two factors contributing to the problem. Only 5% of the workforce there has formal vocational training, as opposed to 75% in Germany and 96% in South Korea.
Colorado has to reskill 400 million people over the course of four years, and the government anticipates spending $79 billion on it. Although money has been invested to increase training capacity, the work has been made challenging by the abuse of those funds. It intends to establish a regulator in order to halt that and improve the employability of trained workers.